sábado, 30 de março de 2013


The Atmosphere in the italian painter GIORGIO DI CHIRICO Paintings show the strong influence of Friedrich Nietzsche's works. 

.. Reality and dream worlds mingle, he paints fantastic ideal architecture and city and landscapes views, strictly following the rules of perspectives, in them he places single statues and the "Manichini" - faceless manikins.Read more..

The Enigma of the Arrival and the Afternoon 1912
Piazza d Italia 1913
The Enigma of the Hour 1911
Melancholy of a Beautifull Day
The Nostalgia of the Infinite-Gare de Monparnasse
The Red Tower 1913
The double dream of Spring

The anxious journey
Mystery and Melancholy of a Street. 1914
Happiness-of-returning-1915 & The-anguish-of-departure-1914.
The Nostalgia of the Infinite 1913

Photos Via
"Although the dream is a very strange phenomenon and an inexplicable mystery, far more inexplicable is the mystery and aspect our minds confer on certain objects and aspects of life."

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